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Patient's Testimonial

Mr. Vinod Agarwal

Mr. Vinod Agarwal, 76 yrs old gentleman, has had anterior and inferior wall myocardial infarction at the age of 60 yrs. He underwent CABG surgery. Ten years later he required additional angioplasty for recurrent angina. Now he has LVEF of 20% and gets into congestive heart failure repeatedly since the last year. He is restricted to his bed room due to shortness of breath.

He was feeling extremely low. He thought he was coming to end of his life. Having taken EECP therapy, he is able to walk a mile daily and enjoy life at his farmhouse.

Mr. Rohit Shah

Mr. Rohit Shah, 61 yrs, had Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery 10 yrs ago. However like many diabetics, his grafts have got occulded. His distal native vessels are diffusely diseased and small, hence he is not a candidate for additional angioplasty or Redo-CABG surgery.

Mr. Rohit was told by his cardiologist to continue medications, for his disturbing angina and take it easy. His only option, or so he thought was to sit at home, and pray he would make it another day.

Although skeptical at first, he went for EECP therapy. Mr Rohit is now living life again. He is able to walk, climb, visit his friends and even travel all over the country, relieved of his angina.

Mrs. Leena Fernandes

Mrs. Leena Fernandes is a 70 year old lady who has had three angioplasties in the last 10 years. Her Sr. Creatinine is now 3.0 mg% (renal failure). Her angina is back again interfering with her routine activities. She needed 5-6 tablets sorbitrate per day. She is afraid of undergoing another invasive procedure as she may land up with dialysis. She opted for EECP therapy, and within 10 days her angina disappeared and 6 months after completion of 35 sittings of EECP, she has not consumed even a single tablet of Sorbitrate.

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